SPT: Supervised Practice Time
What is it?
Designed for the student that wants to progress faster. It gives them a chance to practice the skills they have already learned in class. Guests are welcome with a signed release form. (Ask at the front desk)
School Age SPT: For 1st grade & up
- Cost? Current Members $18 Guests $20 (w/signed release form)
- Time: 6:30-8 p.m.
- Dates: coming soon
- *Note: You can pre-register to secure your spot or drop in! (space permitting)
PreSchool SPT: For 3.5 - 8 years old
- Cost? Current Members $18 Guests $20 (w/signed release form)
- Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Dates: coming soon
- *Note: You can pre-register to secure your spot or drop in! (space permitting)

Register your child today!